World's Columbian Rare and Odd 10 Cent Ticket, Possibly Midway

I have seen only one other chit or ticket in this shape, color and comparable thick cardboard-like paper. It was stamped identically to this one, with "Garden Cafe" rather than White Elephant.
It does not have the fair name on it, but several longtime collectors reported seeing this or the cafe or both once or twice over a great many years. I believe it has been reported to come in a collection of Columbian tickets (this one I have certainly did!) but no one I've spoken to knows anything about it. But each of us came by the pieces quite accidentally when it was included with a group of WCE tickets. I discussed these tickets with the late John Kennel (whose collection I sold beginning in 2017) and his vague story was the same as mine, but we agreed that they came from the WCE--but that is about all.
It measures about 1 1/2 inches on each side.
It is rare, I'm quite sure it is from the Columbian Expo, but since it doesn't say so and we have never found additional information, I feel I can only ask a very low price. If I or someone else discovers the facts without a doubt, I'd suggest you would then own a ticket/chit easily worth several hundred dollars or more.