Dinosaur/fossil/meteorite etc.

Largest (By Far) Meteorite in this Sale--Found in Northwest Africa SEE NOTE@ END
Sold out

Pallasite Meteorite, Polished Slice with Imbedded Gemstones 1 of 4 Available
On sale

Lovely 'Chrome' Looking Campo Diablo Meteorite
On sale

Large Tektite from the Middle East Deserts
Sold out

Group of Smaller Tektites, Lot #2
On sale

SPECIAL MARKED DOWN--Middle East Desert Tektite
On sale

Shipwreck Sale: Mososaur Giant Reptile Tooth, Lived 50-100 Million Years Ago
Sold out

Marked Down: Dinosaur-Like Giants of the Oceans, Mososaur Fossil Vertebra
On sale