Unique & Rare Hand-Written Pass for Someone at the Columbian Expo
This is an unusual and interesting hand-written pass to allow someone into the Department of Mines and Mining Building at any/every time of their choosing.
I'd just be guessing blindly to consider who this person might be. ZThe list could include a dignitary, construction worker, Commission member or perhaps a Board Member.
I acquired this specifically to mention with a number of passes in my forthcoming ticket book. I've been surprised at how many passes were issued and/or printed at the fair. Apparently a large number of people were working on a multitude of projects on the fair grounds.
Many passes from the WCE are printed on a variety of cards so that ddthere is a line for the recipient's name and space to add any details/experiation of the pass.
This one is especially nice as it it is on the letterhead of the WCE's Director General with a subordinate note that it was also issued by the Chief of the Mines and Mining Department.
Rare and very nice! It's also been folded many times as you can see, probably kept in the person's wallet. I will package it flat with substantial cardboard....and in a padded envelope so there will be no worry that it might arrive damaged by the USPS. I shouldn't intimate they ight do such a thing. It's been a week since I received a package with boot prints on it!