Four Silver Small Coins Found Buried Deep in Soil (Lot 1 of 2)
These silver fractional and quite small coins were possibly "Crusader" era coins by their design, enough of which survived to conduct research if one has the time and interest. And the top right coin clearly was cut as was done when someone wanted to spend or accept a lesser amount than the full coin. It was especially common in the Middle Ages where, for example, a Spanish 1/2 real was more silver than required and the coin was sliced in half.
These coins could be researched if one had the time and interest and perhaps could identify the years they were produced as a starting (or unfortunately, perhaps ending) point. That they were dug together also offers additional information. The largest piece (the cut one) has a strong resemblance to hammered English coins.
The price is for ALL FOUR coins as one lot--less than $10 per coin for these small but very desirable pieces