Outstanding & On Sale-- Byzantine Coin of Tiberius, Generally from Crusade Period

I have always been intereted in ancients based on eye appeal and history behind them. As it is not an area of numismatics I know nearly as well as others such as U.S. coins, Civil War items and medals, especially related to world's fairs and other events.
I suppose when I say eye-appeal it encompasses "grade," but this coin is an example of one that based on strike might not be desirable for a collector looking for top grades just as someone collecting only high grade Buffalo nickels might not want to sully the collection with a lower grade offcenter piece.
I purchased this specifi piece for the era but also for the appearance and the very nice patina/green color. For anyone truly interested in deeper research or beginning to formalize collecting ancients, you can spend many pleasant (?) hours with reference books to translate the legends and text on the coins. Again, I find this piece of history quite interesting from the face of Tiberius(?) and the strike and shape. A great many Byzantine coins favor images of Christianity and the likeness of Christ. Without information on a coin I would say that realizing that it might be intended to be Jesus would be something you'd never guess. The coins are crude and mostly symbolic rather than good likenesses; but comparing various Roman emperors there are indeed certain portrait features that do a good job of presenting an emperor known to have a strong chin, big nose and other features.