Special Sale /Below Cost: Very Heavy & Thick 2+ Inch Roman Glass Bottle

Special Sale /Below Cost: Very Heavy & Thick 2+ Inch Roman Glass Bottle

This rather bulbous and very thick glass walled Roman bottle is almost as wide as it is tall at a bit over 2 inches tall and maybe 1/4 inch less at the widest point.

Each of the dug Roman glass pieces are uniquely design such that you can easily tell one from all the others. This one has the characteristic relatively narrow mouth but then flares out to a thick...and VERY thick next two sections moving from the middle to the base of the container.

At first glance it may appear that the bulk is due to the common heavy encrustation but this bottle was very thick as made.

I have found that in selling glass pieces the eye appeal is pretty much the most important factor. You might like one that is the least expensive as in your observation it seems "better" or more intricate than the others. This one is indeed unique in the three different vertical sections. One cannot tell due to the condition but it seems that virtually all are blown in one piece with the artisan making it determing just how the final product will look. I have been asked and don't believe that any (at least of those here) were made in sections.