SPECIAL MARKED DOWN: Silver Half Real Coin from the Famous Ship El Cazador

In early 1784 the EL CAZADOR sailed from Vera Cruz, Mexico, to New Orleans. Spain had political and financial problems in its Louisiana Territory of North America (which only 20 years later would become the United States' Louisiana Purchase). Circulating currency was worthless there with no hard asset/bullion backing it. Spain decided the solution would be to mint some half million coins of various denomintions at its Mexico mint and ship them to the territory to stabalize the economy.
The ship never arrived and months of searching turned up no clues.
Fast forward two centuries and a fishing boat in the Gulf of Mexico pulled up its trawl nets when they snagged on the bottom--and instead of fish or rocks or wood, it was silver Spanish coins in the net.
This half real came from the wreck; it is quite eroded from its 200 years in the ocean but still discernible. The vast majority of the coins were found in this condition.
This coin comes with the certificate/card that was created in the initial marketing of the coins. The coin photographed is the 1/2 real you will receive.
This coin and card will be sent postage paid.