Ticket for Buffalo Day at the 1901 Pan Am World's Fair....in Buffalo of Course

Sold out
Ticket for Buffalo Day at the 1901 Pan Am World's Fair....in Buffalo of Course

Very nice condition and scarce as it was for the popular Buffalo Day, but it was just one day and thus dramatically less available than tickets for any other day.

I'll send this postpaid in a standard first class envelope. The only drawback is that first-class mail doesn't include tracking. If you prefer to have it tracked I can send it in a very sturdy padded envelope for which the normal charge is $5.00. If you prefer this I'll pay half the cost and invoice you for just $2.50. But free in a first class envelope with simple lightweight paper/cardboard stiffener. And as of October 14, the price has been lowered. I have sold an identical ticket on ebay for $48.